Kenja no Mago Wiki

Knights Military Training Academy is a school that trains Knights to command Soldiers to defend the Earlshide Kingdom. Students regularly train their bodies to achieve maximum strength without requiring magic.[1]


It is a place where men and women with excellent physical strength gather. The male and female ratio seems to be nine to one. It is also the alma mater of Michel Collins and Christina Hayden. The design of the uniform is the same as the one from the Advanced Magic Academy, but with various colors of red. With the current ratio of male to female in the academy, people like Tony Freed don't want to enter the academy. The Knights Military Training Academy's motif is hot-blooded ‘red.’

Site Navigation[]

v · e Advanced Magic Academy
Instructor: Alfred Marcus · Examiner
S Class: Alice Corner · August von Earlshide · Julius von Littenheim · Lynn Hughes · Maria von Messina · Mark Bean · Olivia Stone · Sizilien von Claude ·Shin Wolford · Thor von Flegel · Tony Freed · Yuri Carlton ·
A Class: Kurt Ritzburg (†) · Mark Bean · Olivia Stone
Graduate/s: Diseum von Earlshide · Cecilia von Claude · Melinda Bowen · Merlin Walford · Siegfried Marquez · Sylvia von Claude
v · e Advanced Economic and Law Institute
Graduate/s: Royce von Claude · Tom Hague
v · e Knights Military Training Academy
Graduate/s: Christina Hayden · Michel Collins
  1. Manga Volume 1, Chapter 12